10251 Little Brier Creek Ln
Raleigh NC 27617

Hsing-I Kung Fu
“My main philosophy is to promote the health of the body and mind.”
Hsing-I Chuan (Xing-Yi Chuan), directly related to Tai Chi, has evolved over 800 years. This meditative, flowing, soft, graceful, and holistic practice improves health and well-being while cultivating powerful kinetics and a clear mind, yielding calm, relaxed, and decisive combatives.
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About the Guest Instructor
Rich lives in Raleigh, NC and is a professional communications software engineer. He also teaches Lindy Hop Swing Dancing and is a United States Army infantry veteran. View his Hsing-I training regimen and Hsing-I sparring gear.
He has trained in ShanXi Hsing-I for 8 years at The Hsing-I Martial Arts Institute (Hsing-i.com) of the Tang Shou Tao / Shen Lung lineage in San Diego, CA, and has maintained that work for over 15 years.
The class focus is on Chinese holistic energy work, moving meditations, Qi Gong, Tien Gan, Push-Hands, 5 Elemental Forces, Tang Shou Tao/Shen Lung forms, ShanXi Hsing-I 5 Element forms & 12 Animals forms, form combat application, focus-mitt drills, bag-work, kinetic power generation, awareness, self-control, geared combative drills and slow-speed to full-speed sparring.